Our Approach to Professional Networking
Birds of a feather flock together.
Mindset: Ever wonder how we got here? Separating ‘business’ and consumption from who we are and what we stand for has left our society in a devastatingly disoriented position. Some have greatly benefited, while many others have been left out, fighting for a seat at the table. The Next Gen Network is a direct reaction to the “it’s just business” mindset and growing wealth gap. Instead of adding to the oppressive nature of increased Globalization, we’re building a new, inclusive table. You can be successful and socially responsible… in fact, we’re adamant one should not exist without the other. We’re here to support people who aren’t afraid to take a stand. In fact, we hope you do.
Grow your business network: We proudly encourage those who attend our events to use the resources we provide for them to better their own business and to use their resources to help others along the way. This is done mainly by connecting like-minded individuals, building relationships, and proactively supporting each other’s local businesses.
Keep Money Circulating in Our Communities: Every time we make a purchase, like a post, send a referral, we’re voting for that business, their practices, and what they stand for. While the richest 10% of adults in the world own 85% of global household wealth, the bottom half collectively owns barely 1%. Even more strikingly, the average person in the top 10% owns nearly 3,000 times the wealth of the average person in the bottom 10%. (source: UNU-WIDER)
Why? “Money is like blood. It needs to keep moving around to keep the economy going,” he says, noting that when money is spent elsewhere—at big supermarkets, non-locally owned utilities and other services such as on-line retailers—”it flows out, like a wound.” (source: David Bolye of The New Economics Foundation)
How do we fight this? By spending intentionally; keeping it local and supporting small businesses in our communities. This is why we exist. To build social capital and autonomy in our local areas. To build up those experiencing traditional barriers to entry. Basically, because we are the ones who hold the power to make a change and shift the economy as we know it to one that is truly equitable.
Events + Outreach: We organize 2+ monthly events for socially aware, dynamic, open-minded professionals of Massachusetts to further connect. Our laid-back, no pressure socials allow our attendees to enjoy getting to know each other and their respective networks in a relaxed atmosphere with little agenda. Click here to learn more about our events.
Community Involvement: In addition to making worthwhile connections, many attendees have a desire to be involved in their community but lack the resources, knowledge, or push to make it happen. That’s where we step in. With connections to local business leagues, non-profits, and other community & political organizations, we are thrilled to connect professionals with monthly volunteering opportunities to give back to their community or a cause they are passionate about. A win-win-win for all.
Interested in growing your business and network with others of like mind?