Travis LeDoyt of On the Go Physical Therapy




What do you do for business?

High quality, concierge level physical therapy care. We offer a hybrid practice with either in-home visits, or in my Salem office. We are out-of-network with insurance, so we work for you, not the insurance company.


General location of your business + network

Mobile services to the North Shore, office in Salem

Who/what/when is a great referral for you?

– Active individuals
– People who have “”failed”” physical therapy at other clinics
– People looking for concierge level services


How do you want to grow your business?

Raise awareness of my brand through sponsorship’s, New connections in the business community, Give back to my local community


Do you have any services or discounts you want to provide to members of The Next Gen?

50% off first visit


Why are you joining The Next Gen Network?

To network with other local businesses and help others learn about my business.


Travis LeDoyt

Professional title

Physical therapist

Name of your business

On the Go Physical Therapy

Website URL

Best way to reach you

Email, Text

Do you use social media to promote yourself?




