Katherine Oregel of The Healing Center
Tell us about what you do for business.
I offer Reiki and Yoga services to the people of the North Shore through private sessions, classes, workshops, trainings, and retreats.
Everyone’s got a story. Tell us about you (What’s your background? How did you get here? Where are you hopefully heading?).
(pronouns: she/her)
For nearly 6 years I was part of the world of home health care as both a Certified Nursing Assistant and an Administrative Assistant/Scheduler. As much as I loved certain aspects of this work, I knew it wasn’t fulfilling me in the way that I truly needed it to.
I began my journey into Reiki in 2013 by taking Reiki 1 with Joanna Scaparotti at The Healing Center after seeking out something to complement my Yoga practice. I immediately fell in love with this method of energy healing and felt called to continue the path. I completed Reiki 2 as well as Reiki Master & Teacher courses, also with Joanna, determined to one day open my own business offering and teaching Reiki to others.
In August of 2015, the Universe placed an opportunity in my lap that I hadn’t even known I was waiting for. I purchased The Healing Center and took over ownership from Joanna, and since then it has grown and evolved alongside me as I’ve navigated the sometimes severe ups and downs of my life. To broaden my experience and delve deeper into my passion for Yoga, I enrolled in a 200 hour teacher training instructed by Marc St. Pierre through Yoga Sakti in Salem that finished in 2018, and it has been such a joy to add Yoga offerings to The Healing Center.
I practice yoga, meditation, veganism, and sobriety in my personal daily life in addition to Reiki. I firmly believe in the power of both energy and movement as instruments for healing and I believe that they should be as accessible and inclusive as possible. Overall I try to live a well balanced life, and use my skills to help others!
What motivates you (causes; any advocacy/activism/initiatives you’re working on, long-term goals, etc.)?
I really value accessibility and inclusivity and am constantly striving to make sure my offerings represent those values as much as possible.
Why are you joining The Next Gen Network?
I appreciate the mission and love the seemingly close knit nature!
I appreciate the mission and love the seemingly close knit nature!
How do you want to grow your business?
New connections in the business community
Give back to my local community
Katherine Oregel
Professional title:
Reiki Master Teacher & 200CYT
Name of Business:
The Healing Center
Website URL: