Molly Merluzzi of MM Consulting
What do you do for business? What sets you apart professionally (approach, personality, branding, etc.)?:
Founded in January of 2016, MM Consulting is an independent strategic marketing firm that focuses on taking the intimidation factor out of traditional and social media-based marketing for sole proprietors, start-ups, non-profits and small to medium sized businesses. MM Consulting provides clients with strategic direction and tactical management of marketing, social media and public relations’ efforts including but not limited to content creation, brand strategy, social channel management and advertising campaigns, email marketing as well as website evaluation and design, in order to help them tell their brand story in an authentic, captivating way.
General location of your business + network:
Greater Boston (with some national clients)
How do you want to grow your business?:
New connections in the business community; Give back to my local community; I’m successful and want to support the next gen-ally
Why are you joining The Next Gen Network?:
I greatly respect an organization that celebrates diversity, entrepreneurship and social justice.
Everyone’s got a story to tell. What’s your background? How did you get here?:
Before running my own shop, I led global marketing for Nuance Communications’, a global technology company focused on artificial intelligence, natural language understanding and gesture-based technologies, Mobile division. At Nuance, I partnered with clients such as Apple, Intel, Samsung, Comcast, Qualcomm and more to fuel powerful media angles, content creation for web portals, blogs and social media, holistic brand narratives and lead meaningful and modernized campaigns for partners in the wearables, robotics, advertising, smartphone, tablet and the new frontier of the Internet of Things. Before Nuance, I headed up Keurig Green Mountain’s global consumer PR efforts.
What causes are near and dear to your heart? Any initiatives you’re working on? Passions and hobbies that you enjoy in your spare time? Feel free to use a one word answer, or elaborate/educate us.:
Planned Parenthood, ACLU, RAICES, REAL Program (Lynn)
Molly Merluzzi
Professional title:
Founder + Principal
Name of your business:
MM Consulting
Website URL:
Best way to reach you:
Email; Text
Do you use social media to promote yourself?:
@themmdifference OR @mollymerluzzi